Friday, December 25, 2015

When Sir Faijal was Firstly-assigned Soccer Football Coach

It was in SPAAM 2015. Juhnor A. Sanaani was the official coach of soccer. It so happened he got sick. District In-Charge, Sir Samoore S. Ladjahali assigned Sir Faijal in place of Sir Juhnor. He had also one chaperon. It was Sir Alnasvier I. Abduljalil, volunteer teacher of Kasambuhan Village ES. Both of them has no enough knowledge and basic skills of soccer football.

As they did their new task, they learned the rules of the game little by little. The DIC monitored and supervised them closely. He was reluctant on the experiences of the coaches. He always asked the two coaches how they would win. Both coaches shared their opinions and strategies for their soccer football players to win.

It was so great. The DIC was so happy to learn that the soccer football event of Indanan South District would play championship against Talipao District, the strongest district in soccer football. The two coaches updated the DIC how many times they would have to play with Talipao District before the would be champion. They had to play twice.

Finally, the soccer football players of two coaches was pronounced 2nd Runner Up or next to champion, Talipao District during the awarding ceremony.

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